BlackRock Global Multi-Asset Income Fund (USD) A6
Last NAV
(Last Update : 2025/03/28)
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Fund House BlackRock Asset Management North Asia Limited
Fund Type Balanced Funds
Fund Size
Sector General
Geographic Allocation Global
Fund Investment Objective & Strategy
The Global Multi-Asset Income Fund follows a flexible asset allocation policy that seeks an above average income without sacrificing long term capital growth. The Fund invests globally in the full spectrum ofpermitted investments including equities, equity-related securities, fixed income transferable securities(which may include some high yield fixed income transferable securities), units of undertakings forcollective investment, cash, deposits and money market instruments. Currency exposure is flexibly managed.
Key Risks
BlackRock Global Multi-Asset Income Fund follows a flexible asset allocation policy that seeks an above average income without sacrificing long term capital growth. The Fund invests globally in the full spectrum of permitted investments including equities, equity-related securities, fixed income transferable securities (which may include some high yield fixed income transferable securities), units of undertakings for collective investment, cash, deposits and money market instruments The Fund makes use of derivatives for the purposes of efficient portfolio management including the generation of additional income for the Fund . This Fund distributes income gross of expenses. Currency exposure is flexibly managed.
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Fund Type:
【Alternative Investment】【Balanced Funds】【Equity Funds】【Fixed Income Funds】【Money Market Funds】【Australia Funds】【Brazil Funds】
【China A Share Funds】【Energy Funds】【Gold & Precious Metal Funds】【High Dividend Funds】【BRIC Funds】【ASEAN Funds】【China Funds】

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